
The tools we use

We use several tools to speed up design process and perfect our work. Some of these we create ourselves or were created by others and we took the effort of keeping them up-to-date.

Stuff we add to Axure RP 8

Axure is great to design LowFi & HiFi prototypes, work in teams and create documentation to boot. Our tool of choice in most situations. Years of experienece with Axure made us (and others) add stuff to it to make it even nicer. Here is our line-up.
It's a font,... and it's Awesome!


FontAwesome is an iconfont we use in all our prototypes as conceptual icons. [xxxx] created an axure library for it and we've updated it. You can find the last axure 8 library for FontAwesome [xxx] here. Free forever!
It's a material world


An Axure library created by [...] based on the Material Icon font by Google. We've updated it to the latest version. The Axure 8 Material Icons library can be downloaded here, Free Forever!

OpenSans Google Font

The OpenSans font give you way more options then the Axure Default Arial.

Tools we use